Monday, August 25, 2008

And I'm back!

A week in the Caribbean was exactly what the doctor ordered. In a very fabulous un-Martha kind of way, of course, because my 9-year-old sister doesn't qualify as an "entourage".

New feature! I'm adding "Martha Moments", or MM for short. Keep your eyes peeled for them - it usually means adding a step or ingredient that seems lavish and unnecessary, but can make all the difference in the taste of a dish. OR, it can just mean a shortcut that I have found to be handy.

I would love to share some amazing tropical recipe with you all, loaded with fruit and rum and coconut, but all I can think of is the apple crisp that I made last night. We coupled it with several Bay Breezes (coconut rum, pineapple juice and cranberry juice) to relive one last moment in the tropics before going back to the real world.

Here's a photo of Ryan and I sailing around St. Thomas...ahhhhh the life...

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