Wednesday, October 29, 2008

PBPB (Peanut butter puppy biscuits)

Does Martha have dogs? If so, I bet they're fed a steady diet of organic, free-range meats, the finest grains, and attitude.

My dog is fed kibble. But sometimes I like to spoil her - so I made these cute little dog-friendly cookies today. It was very simple, and while they're not exactly nutritious, one or two won't hurt.

Instead of cookie cutters, I used these little pie crust cut-outs that I got at Williams-Sonoma last fall. It cuts the shape and presses a little design into the dough. They're the perfect size for treats (only an inch or so), but any small cookie cutter will do.

-1 c low-fat peanut butter
-1 c skim milk
-2 c unbleached flour
-1 tbsp baking powder

Blend the peanut butter and milk together on medium speed until they are well mixed. In a separate bowl, sift the flour and baking powder together. With your mixer on low, slowly add the flour mixture to the peanut butter. Mix well, the dough will be pretty tough. Remove the dough from the mixing bowl and form into a ball. Cover with plastic wrap and refridgerate for 30 minutes.

Roll out the dough to 1/4" thickness and cut into shapes with a cookie cutter.

Bake at 375 for about 8-10 minutes. They burn pretty fast, so if your oven cooks as hot as mine does, start with 8 and check the bottoms. Allow to cool completely before storing in an airtight container.

They should keep for at least a week, longer if you refridgerate them. This makes a TON of cookies, you may want to half the recipe if you aren't sharing with friends, or have a really tiny dog.

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